2nd BN., 12th INF.
9 January 1945
SUBJECT: Commendation for Meritorious Service, 419th FA Bn.
TO: CG, Division Artillery, 10th Armored Division.
During the German counter offensive which began 16 December 1944, the 2 Bn. 12th Infantry occupied an extensive front extending from ECHTERNACH to BERDORF. Early infiltrations of the enmey resulted in the loss of several artillery observation posts and forward observers, and due to the wide sector of the front adequate artillery support was difficutl to obtain. Under such circumstances, the 419th Armored FA Bn arrived in support of CC "A" 10th Armd Division on 17 December. Largely through the cooperaton of Lt. Col. R.M. Keefe and Lt. Col. Mc CABE, 419th Armd FA Bn, the sector of the 2nd Bn, 12th Inf, received much needed reinforcing fires and also sorely needed forward observers to supplement those already furnished by its own supporting artillery. To my knowledge the 419th furnished forward observers to five companies in my sector in addition to those with elements of CC "A". After the withdrawal of CC "A" on 20 December, the 419 FA Bn continued to furnish supporting fires for the 2nd Bn, 12th Inf, without any orders to do same, for three more days. During this period it fired over 6000 rounds and was invaluable in furnishing fires to fill in the gaps in our defensive lines.
At all times the cooperation of the 419th FA Bn was of the highest degree. And the close liaison at my headquarters provided by Capt. KEEFE made it possible for the liaison officer of the 42 FA Bn, Capt. McELWRATH to coordinate artillery fires in defense of CONSDORF and vicinity in a most effective manner.
I wish to express my appreciation for the fine spirit and effective support given me by the 419th FA Bn. It was unquestionably a most deciding factor in the stopping of the German drive in the 12th Infantry sector in LUXEMBOURG.
I also wish to command Capt. R.M. KEEFE for the excellent work he performed as liaison officer at my headquarters. His diligence and cooperation greatly impressed all officers and men who worked with him and resulted in a maximum effect being gained from artillery fires by close coordination with the 42d FA Bn, our supporting artillery.
Major, 12th Infantry
Major, Field Artillery,